The Knowledge Bank

  • Do Libertarians Support Death With Dignity? - Libertarian Country

    Do Libertarians Support Death With Dignity?

    Disclaimer: This article explores philosophical subject matter that may be sensitive to some audiences. Discretion is advised. If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, we urge and encourage you to...

    Libertarian Country |

  • Is The Pledge of Allegiance Mandatory? - Libertarian Country

    Is The Pledge of Allegiance Mandatory?

    No, the Pledge of Allegiance is not mandatory. The Supreme Court ruled the compulsory recitingĀ of pledges or salutes to the flag unlawfulĀ in accordance with the First Amendment to the U.S....

    Libertarian Country |

  • Are Libertarians Against Public Schools? - Libertarian Country

    Are Libertarians Against Public Schools?

    Yes, libertarians generally oppose public schools on the local and state level and call for abolishing the federal Department of Education.Libertarians believe in economic liberty and view the public school...

    Libertarian Country |

  • Do Libertarians Oppose Social Security? - Libertarian Country

    Do Libertarians Oppose Social Security?

    Yes, libertarians generally oppose social insurance, compulsory savings and government safety nets as tyrannical collectivism, though not all libertarians subscribe to that idea.Economist Friedrich Hayek supported a universal basic income...

    Libertarian Country |

  • Do Libertarians Oppose The Porn Industry? - Libertarian Country

    Do Libertarians Oppose The Porn Industry?

    No, libertarians do not oppose the porn industry. Pornography, when produced by consenting and well-informed adults, should never be hindered or obstructed by the state, observing the first amendment to...

    Libertarian Country |

  • Do Libertarians Support Legalized Gambling? - Libertarian Country

    Do Libertarians Support Legalized Gambling?

    Yes, libertarians support legal gambling. The state should never hinder the business exchange between a casino or gaming establishment and an individual.While some oppose gambling on moral grounds (such as...

    Libertarian Country |

  • Are Libertarians Pacifists? - Libertarian Country

    Are Libertarians Pacifists?

    Libertarians oppose acts of aggression, acknowledging the core tenets of libertarianism, which state that individuals have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. While many libertarians espouse...

    Libertarian Country |

  • Are Libertarians Anti-Racist? - Libertarian Country

    Are Libertarians Anti-Racist?

    Yes, libertarians are anti-racist, opposing all forms of political and institutionalized racism.Libertarianism is a political philosophy that endorses the inalienable rights of all people, regardless of their race, ethnicity, sex,...

    Libertarian Country |

  • Do Libertarians Support Heroin Legalization? - Libertarian Country

    Do Libertarians Support Heroin Legalization?

    Libertarianism espouses the core value of self-ownership and bodily autonomy. As such, libertarians reject any law or effort of the government to pass legislation regulating what a person can or...

    Libertarian Country |

  • Do Libertarians Support The LGBTQ+? - Libertarian Country

    Do Libertarians Support The LGBTQ+?

    Yes, libertarians support and defend the inalienable rights of all people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual, pansexual, polyamorous and so on. The government has no authority...

    Libertarian Country |

  • Can Atheists Be Libertarians? - Libertarian Country

    Can Atheists Be Libertarians?

    Yes, atheists can be libertarians. There are atheist libertarians, Christian libertarians, Muslim libertarians, Hindu libertarians, Jewish libertarians, Buddhist libertarians and so on.The philosophy of libertarianism has a set of core...

    Libertarian Country |