All sales are final. Sorry, no refunds or exchanges.
Libertarian Country uses state-of-the-art print-on-demand technology to fulfill your order. Your merchandise is custom printed upon ordering. As such, we do not offer refunds or exchanges. All sales are final. Please double check sizes before ordering apparel to make sure you have the right size.
For questions regarding your order, please email
For damaged or defective items, Libertarian Country must be notified within 72 hours of receiving your order, otherwise sale is final.
Photographic evidence is required to process a damage claim.
Please inspect your order thoroughly upon receiving.
Damaged or defective items will be replaced at no cost to you.
Libertarian Country uses state-of-the-art print-on-demand technology to fulfill your order. Your merchandise is custom printed upon ordering. As such, we do not offer refunds.
For questions regarding your order, please email
Order Cancellations:
Libertarian Country uses state-of-the-art print-on-demand technology to fulfill your order. Your merchandise is custom printed upon ordering. As such, once your order is printed and processed, you are obligated to accept it. Please keep this in mind prior to making an order.