Hunter S. Thompson Psychedelic Bat Cartoon

Hunter S. Thompson Psychedelic Bat Cartoon

Ever wonder what Hunter S. Thompson would look like as a cartoon version of one of the bats in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas?

Now you know! 

Shrooms and LSD are very bad, never do them. *wink wink* But since you're doing them anyway, you mine as well enjoy it. 

Political junkie Hunter S. Thompson encompassed the true libertarian spirit and attitude, never allowing the government to take away his guns and freedom without a fight. Hunter knew the importance of the second amendment, and he kept an arsenal of guns at Owl Farm.

Here, the psychedelic bat has just dropped some high-quality acid and is ready for a hallucinogenic trip through time and space. He has a fresh pack of smokes and some beer to go along with it. What more can you really ask for in life?


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