Affiliate Policy

Affiliate Policy for Libertarian Country

Terms of Service for Libertarian Country Affiliates

We here at Libertarian Country give creative control to our affiliates and encourage them to be expressive, thought provoking and engaging. 

There are, however, a few simple guidelines affiliates must agree to in order to sustain membership under our affiliate program.

If you are an affiliate or are interested in becoming an affiliate, please read the terms of service below. If you have any questions, please email


1.) Brand Awareness

Libertarian Country, like many other companies around the globe, invests thousands of dollars into building our brand name. Brand image is important as it links our company name to our business ethics. Infused within our company logo and brand name is our rigorous efforts of upholding an accurate representation of what we stand for and how we conduct our business. Maintaining this standard of excellence should carry over with our affiliates, as they too are a representation of us.

1a.) Loyalty Agreement

As an affiliate you are officially connected to Libertarian Country and the Libertarian Country brand, and will receive added bonuses and special privileges when working with us.

Affiliates agree, in order to maintain good account status, not to promote similar and conflicting merchandise that may potentially damage the integrity or image of our company and our brand; Libertarian Country. 

Promoting of conflicting items are prohibited from; including, but not limited to, all social media platforms (eg. Facebook/Twitter) or personal blogs, accounts or websites.

Affiliates agree not to promote Libertarian specific apparel and accessories of our competitors, including their own merchandise.

Affiliates of Libertarian Country may promote dissimilar items; books, gun oil, music etc. as long as it is not through our competitors.

Cross promoting similar and conflicting products is strictly prohibited. Failure to comply will result in account termination.

While we value competition and respect our competitors, the loyalty agreement is to ensure brand familiarity (which is beneficial to us as well as our competitors) and enables us to establish a more personal and mutually beneficial relationship with the affiliates who choose to work with us.

For information on what constitutes as conflicting merchandise please email:



2.) Freedom of Association

We here at Libertarian Country are free speech absolutists. We perpetually stand vehemently for the 1st Amendment and the Freedom of Speech.

We do, however, also believe in the freedom of association, and we retain our right to disassociate with affiliates who derail from the principles and ethics we uphold that reflect the image of our brand. Some of which include, but are not limited to:

2a.) Racism & Hate Groups

Libertarian Country will not associate or affiliate with any known, or unknown, hate groups or separatist groups. We strongly support the freedom of all individuals regardless of their sex, gender, race, nationality etc. Any affiliate promoting hatred or Racism will be immediately terminated.

Satire and dark humor considered 'offensive', but not truly promoting hatred, is acceptable. (eg. Blogs or posts that mock pc culture.) We are able to discern and decipher the difference between humor and hatred. 

2b.) Deviation from Libertarian principle

Libertarian Country understands that there are many facets of Libertarianism and that where some may find a stance paramount, others will find the stance conflicting.

With that being said, we are flexible with our affiliates and understand that their views may differ from ours on various subjects. 

Typically this will not be an issue, however, we must disclose that we reserve the right to disassociate with affiliates who promote ideas that we have carefully determined to be anti-libertarian.

2c.) Disavowing 

Libertarian Country reserves the right to disavow, publicly or otherwise, any affiliate who has worked with us who has demonstrated a contradictory or conflicting image of our brand. 


3.) Disclosure

Libertarian Country will NOT give affiliate's information to anyone. This includes, but is not limited to, address, income, marital status, real names etc.

Affiliates are entrusted to secure any and all private information about Libertarian Country unless otherwise given permission.

3a.) Use of Trademark

Libertarian Country™ is currently used as a Trademark. Affiliates are given permission to use our logo and name on their websites or through their promotions, provided an acknowledgement is made apparent that they are not proprietors, but rather affiliates, to our brand.    

3b.) Intellectual Property

The designs on our apparel and accessories are the intellectual property of Libertarian Country. Affiliates promote our brand and designs solely through the permission of Libertarian Country and acknowledge that they are affiliates and not proprietors or owners of any intellectual property therein contained by the brand.

4.) Amendments

We reserve the right to amend our terms of service at our own discretion. Affiliates will be notified of any changes. 

See our Affiliate Plan Levels.



Thank you for your interest in being an affiliate with Libertarian Country, the fastest growing Liberty themed apparel company in the world!