Affiliate Blog Program

Libertarian Country is excited to announce that starting in 2018 we will be offering affiliates the chance to earn extra income and increase referral revenue commission through blog contributions. 

The program will only be available to affiliates. If you are not yet an affiliate of Libertarian Country please Sign Up Here.


For affiliates who like to write, express their political ideas, and wish to gain exposure, increase referral commission and earn extra income, our new blog contribution program is perfect. 

Our goal is to establish a team of writers to offer different perspectives from individuals within the Libertarian community. 

The blog will not be a news site, but rather a journal of opinion that offers a variety of ideas pertaining to different political, economic and social issues revolving around Libertarianism.

How it Works

Affiliates will submit articles to with the subject field: BLOG SUBMISSION.

If your piece is selected, we will pay a royalty bonus to you which will reflect on your affiliate payout through our Refersion software.

We will also add your name (or handle), a link to your Facebook page or your primary social media account, and install advertisements into the content of the article that will hyperlink to your affiliate URL. 

(see below)

Ad Placement

Once we've decided to use your blog, we will place relevant ads into the content of the article. For example, if you write a piece about marijuana legalization, we would ad Libertarian Country products that are related to that topic. 

If someone is reading the article then decides to click on the Marijuana T-Shirt, they will be sent to the product through your affiliate URL.

Blogs get a lot of traffic and good search engine rank so they are beneficial to the affiliate and has a higher propensity to increase the commission revenue.


Libertarian Country will pay $10 for every blog that we use as a base royalty payment for original content. 

This doesn't sound like a lot, but if we use 10 of your blogs in a week, you will make $100, plus you will have a lot more referral traffic for potential commission payouts.



The content of your submitted blog should be relevant to Libertarian topics. This is to increase relevant traffic that maximizes conversion potential.

Puppies are cute, but a blog about puppies isn't likely to get Libertarian merchandise sold, which is our shared objective. :)

Content must be original and not have been previously published by yourself or other publications. Plagiarism is grounds for immediate termination.

The blogs are designed to express your thoughts and your opinions. Please add quotations to quotes and attributions to any references to authors or publications.  

Please double check your content for historical accuracy if applicable.


Libertarian Country will not edit your content, however, by submitting an article to us you agree to allow us proofreading and editing authority for spelling and grammar. 


Articles should be a minimum of 800 characters (not including spaces)

There are no maximum caps, but keep in mind that blogs are like miniskirts; they should be long enough to cover but short enough to entice.

Any videos you want added please include the youtube link and your desired placement and we will manually add the video. 


Content submitted will remain the intellectual property of the author, however by submitting the content to us you agree that Libertarian Country has permission to copy the article and publish it on our website. 

A one-time royalty will be paid for use of content. 

Submitting an article does not guarantee that it will be published.

Guidelines, rules of conduct and specifications are subject to change but affiliates will be notified of any changes before they go into effect.


For more information please email