TikTok Preps For U.S. Ban: Hires Biden-Connected Consulting Firm

TikTok Preps For U.S. Ban: Hires Biden-Connected Consulting Firm - Libertarian Country

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On Tuesday, the White House supported a new Senate bill dubbed The RESTRICT Act, which would give the Biden Administration power to ban TikTok in the United States.

According to Politico, the popular Chinese-based social media app has hired Biden-connected consulting firm SKDK, which, according to their website, brings "unparalleled strategic communications experience to Fortune 500 companies, non-profits, philanthropic organizations, labor unions, and political committees and candidates."

SKDK has connections with the Biden administration. Some of its top employees and founding partners--such as Anita Dunn, senior advisor to Joe Biden--now serve in the Biden administration.

Who better for TikTok to hire than a consulting firm with ties to the Biden administration? It was a strategic play that could pay off for TikTok, which has become a viral sensation in the U.S.

But the pressure is on.

TikTok has been under D.C. scrutiny for years since the Trump administration called for the social media app to be banned in the United States.

The consequence of giving millions of young (and old) Americans undivided attention to a Chinese technology company could have potentially disastrous effects, but should the Biden administration have the power to ban it?

TikTok, in my opinion, is a revolting scourge and, with the rest of social media in general, will continue to reduce populations to blathering, barely conscious zombies. However, unless the Chinese government uses it as a psychological weapon, I don't see it as more harmful than any other social media app.

People have a right to consume the content they wish (whether we like it or not) and I believe an outright ban would be a gross misuse of government power. 


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