Famous Libertarians

Famous Libertarians - Libertarian Country

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While some may think that libertarianism is just an obscure, underground movement full of malcontents and rebels, there are many famous people in the above-ground, "respectable world" who identify as libertarians.  

There are many famous artists, economists, authors, musicians, professors, religious leaders, pundits, entrepreneurs, and philosophers who have contributed to the intellectual framework of the principles of liberty. 

The ideas of liberalism (ie life, liberty, and private property) fundamentally shaped the political and social landscape of the United States, and many Americans even today while statism is on the rise, still hold libertarian values. 

In our interview with Spike Cohen (Vice Presidential Candidate for the Libertarian Party), he rightfully pointed out that liberty is the default by which people enjoy life. People do not want to live under oppressive regimes, and they've been largely manipulated to accept such a fate. 

Libertarians recognize that you do best when you're most free. We recognize that things are getting worse because there is too much power in the hands of too few people, and we seek to take that power and put it back in your hands, where it always belonged. - Spike Cohen

It shouldn't come as a surprise then that most people want to be left alone to make their own choices as they see fit, which is one of the main principles of libertarian philosophy. 

Now as we proceed forward the realization that governments around the world are tyrannical and oppressive, why isn't every single person joining the fight for liberty? We all want freedom for ourselves. Let us extend that courtesy to all humankind. 

While there isn't anything that makes a celebrity's opinion inherently more valuable, it is interesting to see who, out of some of the household names we all know, have been Libertarian this entire time. 

Alas, more famous people and every day folks are rising from obscurity and reclaiming the ownership of their lives. Don't let the two party system keep us fighting each other! 

As promised, here is a list of well-known and influential people who live by the principles of libertarianism


Famous Libertarians


Here are list of the most influential and famous libertarians of history, both living and deceased. 


1. Ron Paul 


Often referred to as the most influential name in the libertarian movement is Ron Paul. He is a doctor and a former political candidate who espouses the principles of liberty. Indeed, Ron Paul is a champion of liberty who has consistently stood his ground against the terrors of big government. 

People from all sides of the political train wreck have converged to a single point of respect for Dr. Paul. Anarchists, minarchists, libertarians, independents, conservatives, and even Democratic Socialists have been inspired by his teachings and his wisdom. 

Truly an inspirational Libertarian thinker. 

Ron Paul Shirt


2. Milton Friedman 


A Nobel Prize winning economist who became economic advisor to political leadership in Washington, stressing the importance of limited government and free market capitalism.  

Milton Friedman has written best selling books on political, economic, and social topics that have helped largely shape the intellectual movement for freedom and personal choice. 



3. Ayn Rand


Author and Philosopher Ayn Rand, whose Objectivism has been a hotly debated topic in academia for decades. Ayn Rand's philosophies have inspired countless individuals as well as notable entrepreneurs, visionaries, and dreamers. 

While Ayn Rand didn't specifically call herself a Libertarian, she did elucidate the principles by advocating an objective, limited government, personal responsibility, living for the sake of oneself, and never initiating aggression on others who all equally possess the same natural rights. 

Ayn Rand Shirt


4. Thomas Sowell 


One of the most influential economists in the classical liberal scene, Thomas Sowell, former Democrat, disavowed both political parties as corrupt stating that he wouldn't vote for either them.

Often considered one of the most inspiring black conservatives, Sowell stated that "libertarian" would best describe his political leanings, although he chooses not to subscribe to any label in particular. 

Those who are just starting their adventure into libertarianism have often been prompted to such by reading Sowell's incredible book Basic Economics. He has been an enormous asset to the movement of liberty against big government.


5. Murray Rothbard 


Murray Rothbard is seen as one of the most prominent thinkers of the philosophy of Anarcho-Capitalism. Rothbard's ideas challenged the traditional classical liberal framework of government, insisting that every function of government could be privatized and made more efficient, including police and courts. 


6. Kennedy Montgomery 


Well known for her work on MTV in the 90s, Lisa Kennedy Montgomery was turned on to Libertarianism by her co-worker Kurt Loder who suggested she read Ayn Rand. 

She is a contributor for Fox Business and Reason Magazine. She supported Gary Johnson in the Presidential Races of 2012 and 2016.  


7. Drew Carey 


Comedian and actor Drew Carey identifies as Libertarian. He has worked with Reason Magazine in a series called Reason Saves Cleveland, encouraging less government meddling and more private enterprise to restore the great city of Cleveland, Ohio. 


8. Robert Nozick


Robert Nozick is an American Philosopher who held the Joseph Pellegrino professorship at Harvard University. His novel Anarchy, State, and Utopia is often cited by minarchists who argue for the existence of a minimally invasive political system to ensure man's rights. 


9. HL Mencken 


The Sage of Baltimore, Henry Louis Mencken was famous for his social criticism, satire, and commentary, particularly during the Scopes Monkey Trial. A journalist for the Baltimore Sun, he was widely known for his incredibly unique and inspiring distaste for the political system.  

H L Mencken Shirt


10. Clint Eastwood 


Hollywood actor and libertarian conservative voice Eastwood was one of the most memorable names in early cinematic history whose work continues to thrive. His movies include famous titles such as A Fistful Of Dollars and Gran Torino. 


11. Woody Harrelson 


A well known actor who has starred in epic political movies such as A Scanner Darkly and The Hunger Games, Harrelson refers to himself as a Libertarian. “I consider myself, really, an anarchist…Well, I’m probably more of a libertarian.”


This is an ever expanding list. As soon as people do something remarkable enough on youtube to get famous, and they happen to be libertarian, we'll make sure they're added. 

If you don't see your own name here, and you think your famous, let us know. 


In the meantime, if you're feeling inspired to become one of the greats, checkout Side Hustle Ideas to Earn Extra Cash

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