Is Joey Swoll a Libertarian?

Is Joey Swoll a Libertarian? - Libertarian Country

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Photo Credit: Facebook/Joey Swoll


Joey Swoll is a fitness influencer who has built a reputation for promoting positivity in gym culture. He posts videos educating people on how to treat other gymgoers with respect and will also call you out if you tread on someone else's dignity at the gym. 

He has videos showing people proper ways to perform exercises at the gym and shares tips on what foods to eat for working out. He believes the gym should be a shared space for everyone to enjoy without judgment and without fear.  All in all seems like a cool guy.   

Don't Feed the Animals Libertarian Shirt

Earlier this week he posted on social media that he has been called a right-wing misogynist by people on the Left, and a left-wing snowflake by people on the Right.

Libertarians are no strangers to being in this political standoff. It is often said that you may be a libertarian if you can manage to piss off everyone on the right and left on the same day. You're in good company, Joey. 

Joey Swoll on Politics

We're always curious if someone who expresses distaste for both democrats and republicans might be a Libertarian. 

We asked Swoll if he had any Libertarian sympathies, but he is a busy guy, and we are waiting for his response. We will update this post when we get the information.

Whether he is Libertarian or not, it doesn't matter. He has a great message and spreads positive energy to people looking to improve themselves physically and mentally; those who want to become stronger and better people. 

We support gym positivity either way. 

If you want to learn more about the connection between gym culture and Libertarianism, check out our article "What the Hell Does Health & Fitness Have to Do with Libertarianism?"

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